We were very pleased with the overall turn out and standard of the grading / course. Everyone trained solidly for 3 hours! Well done, especially the children. Some were experiencing their first grading! The course provided a very 'mixed bag' of training exercises including; pad work, self-defence, martial fitness, sparring practice and preparations for their next grading level.
We would like thank; Ray, Folks and Emily for their help throughout the day.
Adult Sashes...
Stuart - Brown, Adam - Blue, Aaron - Yellow, Paul - Yellow.
Children Sashes...
Gus - Brown/White, Melina - Blue/White, Socrates - Blue/White, Alex - Orange/White, Oliver - Orange/White, Surraya - Orange/White, Seren - Yellow/White, Joanna - Yellow/White, Nooria - Yellow/White.
The next grading should be in approx 3 months but, only if you are training :-)
We were very pleased with the Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan (Shizu Kim Han) Exploring Sanzhan course on Sunday the 8th October. Everyone joined in sharing and bulding on their Sanzhan standard via the Catching, Pushing Hands, Sanzhan Partner Sparring and Limbs Knocking Sets. For more information and photos, please click the link below...
WELL DONE to the following winners of the KIXX KIDz Chinese Boxing Merit Certificates for October...
Joanna, Gen, Socrates, Aaron and Will
Please note that these certificates are awarded to acknowledge their extra effort in a range of skills and disciplines that were exhibited during the class (eg; effort, determination, flexibility, etc. etc.)
For those that would like to come and train Kung Fu, this class is on Thursdays from 5pm to 6pm (+8 yrs)...
Sunday 12th November - Remembrance Day Parade through Maidstone Town Centre. We have been invited by the Mayor of Maidstone to join in with this event. Children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Sunday 19th November - 10am to 12noon - EXTRA Chinese Boxing Training for students from the adults and the children's classes. Both Nigel and Tracy will be present. Book now and reserve your places...